

BrAhma   muhUrtaM ब्राह्म मुहूर्तम् -- प्रति (प्र उपसर्ग, तिङ् प्रत्यय) और प्रातः पर्याय हैं।  प्रति प्रातः सूर्योदय से पूर्व, रात्रि के अंतिम प्रहर को ब्राह्म मुहूर्त कहते हैं। पतञ्जलिकृत योगदर्शन में : प्रातिभाद्वा सर्वम्  का उल्लेख है।  यह प्रातिभ ब्रह्म मुहूर्त में अनायास ही विद्यमान होता है। जहाँ तक काल की गति है, उस कल्पित अतीत समय से ऋषि मुनि आदि इसी ब्राह्म मुहूर्त में निद्रा से जागते ही शौच स्नान आदि नित्य कर्मों से निवृत्त होकर अध्यात्म के अनुसंधान में प्रवृत्त हो जाया करते हैं। सूर्य के उदय तक यह क्रम संपन्न हो जाता है और सूर्योदय के पश्चात् संसार के दैनिक कर्मों का अनुष्ठान प्रारंभ हो जाता है। अपने अपने वर्णाश्रम धर्म के अनुसार ब्रह्मचर्याश्रम में स्थित छात्र आचार्यकुल की सेवा करते हुए प्राप्त हुए कर्तव्यों का अनुष्ठान करते हैं। यह उनका शिक्षाकाल होता है जिसे ब्रह्मचर्य आश्रम भी कहा समझा जाता है। जिन्होंने इस आश्रम में समुचित शिक्षा प्राप्त कर ली है, उन्हें गृहस्थ आश्रम प्राप्त हो जाता है। तब उनका कर्तव्य होता है कि प्राप्त हुए आश्रमधर्म का निर्वाह कर सुयोग्य संतति की उत्पत

The Protocol

The   Breach    of   Protocol   and   Trust. भृश्यते यत्र प्रथाकौलं हानिस्तत्र धर्मस्य।। अथ यत्र आनुकूल्यं धर्मस्तत्र प्रवर्तते।। The words "Breach" / "Break" could be traced to the Sanskrit verb-root √भृश् - भृश्यते - भ्रष्टः / भ्रष्टं  Similarly the verb-root of "Protocol" to : प्रथाकुलः / प्रथाकौलम्  The verb-root of "Trust" to √ ऋत्  This verb-root is from the letter "ऋ" which gives rise to many others like - ऋक् / ऋग्, ऋङ्, ऋच् ऋच्छ्, ऋज्, ऋञ्, ऋट् / ऋड्, ऋण्, ऋत्, ऋद्, and   ऋश् / ऋष् . We know   ऋग्वेद,  ऋष्यशृङ्ग, ऋचा, ऋच्छ् / ऋक्ष, ऋजु, ऋञ्च / रिक्तं, सिञ्च् - सिञ्चनम्, ऋट्  रषाणां लृत् लृसानां, ऋत् - Truth, ऋण् -  minus the negative adjunct,  ऋत् - ऋतं वद, ऋद् - ऋद् हि - ऋद्धि, ऋश् / ऋष् / ऋष्यते इति ऋषिः।  This is just introductory to understand how  ऋ  is the first phonetic (spoken) and scriptural (written in the script form) in the Sanskrit language. This letter has again two forms a short and another long one. Unfortunatel

Get It Done!

The   Gestalt   and   The   Algorithm. -- During the year 1986-87, with a view to discover The Sanskrit I started learning the German Language. Die Deutsche Sprache. I'm not sure if the above words words are correct -grammatically and also in spelling. But I never bother about these things. It's not my concern. What I gained through learning German was the insight that was of  tremendous help in understanding the structure of a language as such. Except English and German The other two European languages like Spanish and Italian also attracted my interest but it was German that I felt the best of all. So I opted for this language. Luckily or for whatever other reasons it proved no wrong decision. On the contrary I was really very happy. My only whole and sole purpose behind it was to study the structure of German so as to find out how it might be related with Sanskrit and in what way. I missed mentioning The Greek in the earlier paragraph. Yes, Greek too might have been a better


आयुः आयाति प्रयाति च इति आयुः।  What comes and goes away is aging  / age. What really comes and goes away?  The Time.  The Time that is memory,  The memory that is recognition, These three words age, memory and recognition could be related to their Sanskrit Equivalents as following : Age is   आयुः  Memory is स्मृतिः, स्मृतिः is  मृतिः, मृतिः is  मृतमाणा  Recognition is  परिसज्ञितिशः / परि सज्ञिति as the words  पिधानं and  अपिधानं have the same meaning. That is how English words could be found to have something common to the words in Sanskrit having the meaning similar. There is another word "negotiate". In English it means to arrive / reach at an agreement through discussion. Just assuming that this word may be a cognate of a Sanskrit word at first looks difficult but if you know  " निगच्छति"  and can see how the two words rhyme in pronunciation and resemble in meaning, you could sure feel it interesting at least. You could also discover that learning two languages

Two-way Learning.

Learning   Sanskrit   with   any   other   Language. In this way, I learnt two languages together, -one of them the Sanskrit. Basically, the proper and the right way of learning any language what-so-ever is to learn in the same way, as one learns own mother tongue. A language is kind of conditioning. The new name for this learning is : N. L. P., The Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Learning any language what-so-ever is learning the structure of the language, how a set of phonemes is formed and how this generates a "spoken word". A spoken language is learnt by practice and effort made involuntarily without knowing how any "word" is associated with its meaning, which too is either a sense - abstract or indicating a material  and tangible object known through the sensory perception. However, sensory perception is primarily without a word - non-verbal. It's only for human beings that we learn associating a word for any specific and particular object or feeling. But all

The Prayer

ॐ सह नाववतु सह नौ भुनक्तु सह वीर्यं करवावहे।। तेजस्विनावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहे।। --


The Sanskrit Culture संस्कृत कुलाचार  -- प्रयोग, उपयोग, अनुप्रयोग, अनुसंधान This blog is motivated and aimed at  relating the Sanskrit language with the contemporary languages of the current / present times. We shall try to find out how Sanskrit can help in evolving and bringing up the collective human aspect of our consciousness to a higher level superior to the present one. This is how we could possibly trace the many and varied roots of the most of the common English words that we use in different fields of knowledge and learning. ***